
Boom! A Celebration

by Jay Murchison on October 16, 2017 in Concero



We’re proud that 2017 marks our 5 year anniversary since launching Concero Technology Group. To celebrate our consultants we held a Happy Hour event, complete with free gifts and wigs! BOOM! 

August 21 was our client golf outing, which also marked the date of the Solar Eclipse. In addition to some good golfing scores, everyone had special eclipse glasses to enjoy this notable event. 

At Concero Technology Group, we are grateful for the relationships we’ve built, the clients we’ve served, and the people we’ve helped. We work hard on your behalf, and we’re thankful for the last five years. And now, we’re concentrating on the future and continuing to be the best recruiters we can be. 


Jay, Pat, Ben, Ally, Amy, Stephanie, Jason, Keith, Jared, Patrick, Danielle, Michelle, Aaron, Lexi, TJ, and Blair


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