Gateway to Innovation Sponsor

by Jay Murchison on May 18, 2018 in Concero


We all know things change at lightening speed in the world of technology — that’s why we made sure to be a part of St. Louis’ Gateway to Innovation Conference held in May. Concero Technology Group was a registration sponsor and members from our team took part in various sessions and networking opportunities that are part of this signature technology conference.

According to the g2i website, the goal of this is event:

Maintaining a competitive edge with innovative IT is critical for companies and organizations of all sizes as we all are tasked to do more with less. The annual Gateway to Innovation Conference provides a unique opportunity for our region’s IT leadership to gather, to explore ways to maintain a competitive advantage in this global economy, and to grow the IT industry in the St. Louis region. We hope the event provides you many opportunities to learn, engage with other IT professionals, and gain inspiration from regional successes and our national speakers.

“This event offers an incredible opportunity to engage with our clients, meet new people and expand our knowledge. The keynote speakers and the conference itself provides so much value, and we’re already looking forward to next year,” said Jay Murchison, president of Concero Technology Group.


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