Aaron Schwander
Strategic Account Recruiter
Email: AaronS@Concero.com
Phone: 314-748-1068
Has worked at Concero for:
8 years 5 months 14 days
I’m originally from…
- New York
What I do at Concero:
- As a Strategic Account Recruiter for Concero, it is my job to network with prospective talent and match them to our open positions. I keep myself up to date on market trends and educate myself on the latest technologies. In addition, I gather information on our clients to keep our candidates informed and prepare them for interviews. As a SAR, I operate as the subject matter expert for our enterprise-level organizations and work alongside our Account Managers to help our recruiters screen candidates and stay updated with our clients’ initiatives.
Outside of work, I…
- Golf, work on DIY projects around the house, and catch up on the latest TV shows.
Bet you didn’t know…
- I enjoy using my wooden hand lathe to make highly intricate, custom banisters, and rails.