Recognizing When You’re Unhappy With Your Job

by Danielle Goldsmith on February 13, 2019 in Concero, Professional Development


As the old saying goes, do what you love and you will never work a day in your life. It’s a nice sentiment, but it is something that is harder to accomplish in real life than it is on paper. Lots of people are dissatisfied with their jobs. Recognizing when you are unhappy with your job is the first step in finding a career that truly suits your goals.

The next step is to figure out your plan of action to get to the point where you are happy. Odds are good that even if you do not love your current job, it probably wouldn’t be a good idea to quit without notice, so there will be some work to do before you can shift into a more meaningful career.

Don’t despair. The job you love is within your reach.

Signs of Job Dissatisfaction

You Hate “Mondays”

If you outright hate your job, that dissatisfaction is probably obvious. You might dread Mondays more than the average person or find yourself calling in sick or taking time off just to get away from work. Other signs of job dissatisfaction are less obvious, but still impact your mood, your quality of life, and of course, your performance at work.

You’re Clock-Watching

Are you counting down every minute from the moment you get to work until the last second of the workday ticks by on the clock? This suggests that 1. you are neither stimulated nor challenged by your work, and 2. you do not want to be there.

If you love your job but are feeling like you’re not doing enough, it’s a sign to take on more work or more responsibilities. If you aren’t enjoying your job, however, and the thought of doing more of it to pass the time is unappealing, quit clock-watching and start considering a new career.

Your Work Affects Your Personal Life Negatively

What happens when you aren’t at work? Do you spend your time complaining about your job or dreading the alarm going off for work the next day? If you find your life is revolving around your work and how much you dislike it, something has to change.

You Feel Unwell

You may notice physical or emotional maladies that, if you dig deeper, could be related to your workplace woes. Frequent illnesses, headaches, sleep problems, substance abuse, or appetite changes can signify stress, anxiety, and poor coping brought on by job unhappiness.

If you are unhappy, overwhelmed, or otherwise less than positive about your work, and it’s not something that can be fixed by changing your job responsibilities or talking to your management team, take notice and start strategizing for a new job.

Figuring Out What Job is For You

Most careers come with some stress and a few challenges along the way. It’s the fact that you’re doing rewarding, motivating, and interesting work that will keep you enjoying your job, even when the going gets tough.

Your ideal job is one that suits your personality. Whether you work well in large groups or thrive individually, require a lot of heavy hands-on guidance or are a self-starter, or you are seeking something innovative rather than traditional, it is important to choose both a career and a workplace that embodies your preferred corporate culture and leadership style.

Your industry of choice will also largely impact job options. You may have the kind of training and career interests that allow you to jump from one industry to another or you may have to re-train or re-educate yourself to make a switch. Perhaps you are happy in the industry you’re in, but want to work in a different sector of it. Consider your personal values, interest, and willingness to adopt new skills and knowledge to land in the right industry.

Landing a Rewarding New Job

You’ve identified your workplace frustrations, figured out what kind of job may be more satisfying, and now you are ready to make a change. Let us help you connect with an organization that is the perfect match for your needs, jump-starting your new career.

We know that a job change can make people anxious, but at Concero we have guided many people through seeking and finding a new career — we will help you, too.

To us, you’re the hero in this story! We want you to win and be fulfilled in your work.

Our technology recruiters get to know you, so we understand your career goals. With our close relationships with hiring managers across the tech sector, we will use that information to link you with agencies, positions, and sectors that will suit your employment dreams.

There’s no reason to wait… let us know how we can help you be happy in a new job.

Watch Danielle’s spotlight or connect with her on LinkedIn.


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